Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The sweet lullaby

  Lemme sing a sweet lullaby,
to put you to sleep with a sweet memory,
For you are the spark i see,
That forces me to be...

Float,my darling in my fading noise,
for there's love beneath this caring voice,
Sleep my love for you arent well,
And coz am sleepy too in your intoxicating smell ;)


  1. ahem ahem who are trying to get to sleep ;) Great start looking forward for more of these:)

  2. Hehe.. thanks da bum!, i guess the others are dumbfounded ;)

  3. God.. Mr.Poet U've b'cum wid diz.. dumbfounded ?who ? all wud b wonderin whtz beneath diz thought ;)

  4. @ mg : Beneath this thought?? Nothing but imagination ;)
