Saturday, May 5, 2012

Have a Heart

Heart, when someone says that another person has the heart for the job, its easy to understand, but is hard to capture the exact meaning of the sentence in words. When someone says put your heart in it, its hard to define a meaning to it. The questions that I have for myself, which circle wildly in my mind frequently are way too personal to splatter all over the net, however it is something that's flirtingly close to the obvious "existential question" and after a lot of thinking, my head still wanders and wonders what the answer is but am sure that this 'Heart' has a lot to do with it. 
   I was reading Steve Jobs's autobiography and in it every fourth page speaks about the 'heart factor'. How he always truly believed in and could isolate the people who had the "heart factor". He wanted only a select few that he thought truly believed in and loved Apple and how he wanted only them in the company. Recently, I met this stranger in the bus who owns a company in Bangalore, we started talking and before I could stop myself, I was talking about these current thoughts that I have. A lot of our thoughts matched and we ended up talking till late night. He is 4 years elder to me, and he got into business coz of his father, who's a businessman himself.I knew he would have gone through the same thought process and he confirmed it himself later anyways. But he put in another factor that he called the "X-factor". That he called as something that is governed by Karma. I believe in it too. 
  The quote "what you do is what you get" rightly puts the thought. Here is how I believe it is. Every situation that you are made to go through results in you doing something, which can be divided into positive and negative at that particular time. And there is an account, of the positive and the negative that you've done. Now consider you have a 100 positives and 50 negatives, So the 100 positives and the 50 negatives that you did will happen to you, it might happen in tiny negatives or the whole positive in one shot, you never know. But they never cancel themselves out. 
                  He was of the thought that you are what you're surroundings make you and your surroundings are dependent on how your Karma "account" is! I believe this is another factor, the surroundings. And yeah it might be connected to the Karma "account" which I have so wrongly put :P.
                But I believe even if you are the daintiest person on the planet, for you to do something you should know what you want, i.e what you're heart wants. What pleases you and what makes you happy. Because ultimately its not money and its not social acceptance that makes you happy, but its this 'heart' that governs the life you lead. You might have the best job in the world but then if you're heart is not in it, you'll still be hungry. You might not have any problems with it , you might be happy doing it, but just that your heart is still hungry for something that which cannot be explained logically.
                       But I believe we are so accustomed to something called 'logic'  that the heart loses out on the race to the finish. We end up listening to the brain more that the heart.Our heart is only called upon when things like 'love' comes into a factor and sometimes maybe that too is decided by the brain. Either ways whatever we use frequently becomes stronger, but maybe for the world that we live in, it needs an intricate balance. We need to choose something that our heart wants and then pursue it with our brains. I believe that the heart should lead and the brain should follow. Am sure the brain says that this is not logical. But more often than not we end up awake watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S all night to realize sleepily tomorrow at office that it was illogical to do that :P
                    There comes a time when logically if you look at things, you have everything and even then you might want more. There comes a time when the heart stays hungry for something and the brain starts asking so many questions to logically solve the chaos and starts being restless about getting quick answers. Thats when you find yourself in a soup, you call it quarter life crisis, call it a phase or call it the "angry young man" phenomenon, either ways it's only a matter of the heart. Brain thinks about a problem and comes to a logical solution, but since the heart does not function by logic we have no clue as to why and when things happen. But as far as I've experienced when its the matter of the brain you're happy, but when its something of the heart, you're ecstatic.